Active Life Center
Located at the top of the hill at 5281 New Hwy 31 in Westmoreland, our Active Life Center is comprised of our fitness gym, the skate park and our batting cages.
Fitness Gym
Registration Fee: $50 Yearly/Single & Couple and $75 Yearly/Family
Membership: Single $20/month Couple $35/month Family $50/month
Veterans, First Responders and Seniors: $15/month
Our gym is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and staffed from Monday-Thursday from 9am to 7pm and Friday & Saturday from 9am to 2pm. The gym is fully equipped with free weights, machine weights, and a variety of cardio machines.
Batting Cages
Cost: $5 + tax for 15 minutes
HOURS: Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri 3-7pm & Sat 10am-2pm. Weather permitting
Batters must be 8 years old or older and EVERYONE MUST SIGN A WAIVER BEFORE ENTERING. Under 18 must have parent signature.
We have a slow pitch softball, fast pitch softball, slow pitch baseball, and fast pitch baseball cage. We have helmets and bats on site, but you are welcome to bring your own.
Skate Park
Open from Sunrise to Sunset.
Our skate park features plenty of quarter pipes, ramps and rails for your skating enjoyment.
Aviation Academy
Our Aviation Academy offers ground school studies bi-annually. They are on Tuesday evenings, once per week, running a total of 12 weeks.
Our next ground school class begins on Tuesday, January 14th 2025 at 6:30pm.
COST: $400, which includes all books and materials.
For enrollment and/or for more information, contact Sherry Baxley at 615-374-3025 or email us at turningpointaviation@gmail.com.
Both ground school and flight training takes place at the Lafayette Municipal Airport located at 1000 Airport Rd, Lafayette, TN 37083